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PRO-NOX is a state-of-the-art pain and anxiety-relieving system that provides a superior degree of patient comfort during aesthetic procedures. For a more relaxing experience, PRO-NOX is proving to be one of the safest and most comfortable alternatives to injections or topical numbing creams. A combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide, it is a patient-controlled, non-opioid form of pain relief and sedation.

What is PRO-NOX?

PRO-NOX provides pain relief and sedation in a new way: It allows you to personally manage your comfort level in many procedures. PRO-NOX is composed of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide. Every patient is unique in the degree of sensitivity they experience during procedures, and PRO-NOX makes it possible for you to decide on the degree of pain relief you need, fully alleviating discomfort or stress during treatment at La Fontaine Aesthetics.

Is it safe?

PRO-NOX is safe, as the oxygen and nitrous oxide balance creates a fast-acting, pain-relieving and soothing effect, and leaves your body within minutes with no after-effects. Since it leaves the body so swiftly, you will be safe to drive yourself home after your treatment and continue your day, as usual, for many procedures.

Which procedures can be done using PRO-NOX?

The treatments that can be performed with PRO-NOX include any of the procedures that do not require more powerful types of anesthesia. Most patients will find PRO-NOX a very pleasant surprise when undergoing treatment. PRO-NOX is a superior way to stay comfortable during the following aesthetic procedures, and many others:

Be sure to ask our team at La Fontaine Aesthetics about PRO-NOX during your consultation. Why not have your experience painless and comfortable, without injections, sedation, or topical creams that take time to work and may require reapplication?

Why choose PRO-NOX?

For shorter procedures that require pain relief, or for patients who tend to be nervous when undergoing a procedure, PRO-NOX is a choice that puts you in control. You can easily administer safe doses of the oxygen and nitrous oxide mixture to ease discomfort or anxiety within seconds, based upon how you feel. The system only delivers safe quantities of the gases, and the relaxing, pain-killing effect clears the body within minutes, without the side effects associated with other forms of anesthesia.

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About La Fontaine Aesthetics

La Fontaine Aesthetics was established by Dr. Ken Oleszek, a board-certified physician with years of experience delivering aesthetic procedures. He and his staff are focused on providing superior patient care and excellent results. His patients come to La Fontaine as they demand world-class enhancements, performed with cutting-edge technology.

Dr. Oleszek is at the forefront in the latest developments in aesthetic medicine. He has chosen to offer PRO-NOX to provide a higher level of comfort at La Fontaine. He and his staff focus on patient wellness, and a relaxing and comfortable experience for every procedure. Reaching your cosmetic goals should be a relaxed and pleasant experience. PRO-NOX is one more way to ensure your experience is safe, comfortable, and pain and anxiety-free when undergoing treatment at La Fontaine Aesthetics.

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