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Tickle Lipo™ liposuction is a next generation device that uses a very low level of energy to gently loosen and remove fatty tissue from unwanted areas.

How does tickle liposuction work?

Tickle liposuction removes fat cells from various parts of the body using infrasonic technology. While most liposuction procedures require general anesthesia, tickle lipo can be performed with local anesthesia. You’re awake through the entire procedure, but the targeted area will be numb, so you won’t feel anything.

During the procedure, small incisions are made on the regions with the unwanted fat tissues. The surgeon inserts a small tube-like device called a cannula through the incision to deliver vibrations that break the fat tissues. The vibrations induce a tickling sensation in most individuals, so you’re likely to laugh or giggle a little bit.

The tickle liposuction treatment is extremely fast because the vibrations quickly loosen your fat tissues and suction them out of your body. The simplicity and speed of the treatment allow you to address numerous body parts in a single session. As such, besides being incredibly effective and comfortable, tickle lipo is also highly efficient.

This technology was designed for the patient’s safety and comfort. In fact its name came about because a significant percentage of patients in fact laugh during the procedure because it tickles. The technology is the fastest and most efficient of all the technologies available and allows physicians to achieve great results. Tickle Lipo has a simultaneous suction that rids unwanted fat at the same time as it gently loosens fat cells. The low energy allows Dr. Oleszek to work closer to the skin to achieve a superior and smoother results.

How is tickle liposuction different from other liposuctions?

The primary difference between tickle liposuction and conventional liposuction is the invasiveness. Conventional liposuction is a more invasive surgery than tickle liposuction. Patients undergoing conventional liposuction need general anesthesia, while patients undergoing tickle liposuction only need local anesthesia.

Conventional liposuction also has a more complicated recovery process — most patients experience swelling, bruising, redness, discomfort, and some damage to the surrounding skin tissues. However, tickle liposuction doesn’t lead to much post-treatment discomfort, and the surrounding tissues remain undamaged.

What Does All of This Mean for Patients?

  • Tickle Lipo can be performed with or without general anesthesia
  • Patients experience less down time
  • There’s less bruising
  • Smoother results
  • Greater contouring
Tickle Lipo

Can you combine tickle liposuction with other procedures?

Tickle liposuction is a fat removal procedure — not a skin tightening procedure. As such, you might have some excess skin tissues after the fat is removed, necessitating a skin tightening procedure. You can opt for other non-surgical skin tightening procedures, such as Renuvion, BodyTite, and Morpheus8, to tighten the sagging skin tissues, giving you a firm and contoured body.

Am I a suitable candidate for tickle liposuction?

You’re a suitable candidate for tickle liposuction if you want to reduce stubborn fat pockets without general anesthesia or major surgeries. You should also have 2 to 4 inches of fat tissues in the targeted regions to avoid discomfort from the vibrations. Furthermore, you should have realistic expectations from the procedure and the commitment to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the treatment.

What’s recovery from tickle liposuction like?

As with all surgical procedures, you might experience mild swelling, soreness, and bruising for a few weeks. However, these side-effects usually fade away without medication. The entire recovery process lasts for 4 to 12 weeks— you have to avoid strenuous workouts and wear compression garments for at least 4 weeks. The results will be evident immediately, but you’ll see them clearly once the swelling and bruising fade away in 8 to 12 weeks.

Why choose La Fontaine Aesthetics for tickle liposuction?

La Fontaine Aesthetics is a state-of-the-art cosmetic surgery center led by Dr. Ken Oleszek, an exceptionally talented board-certified physician and surgeon. He carefully examines your body and discusses your cosmetic goals to recommend the ideal treatment options for your specific needs. He curates each treatment according to the individual to ensure optimal and natural-looking results with no complications. To book a complimentary liposuction consultation, please call us today.

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