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Welcome! La Fontaine Aesthetics' Med Gym serves busy professionals, parents and people from all walks of life. EmSculpt is a noninvasive and non-surgical whole-body toning and fat killing treatment designed to enhance all areas of the body: reducing cellulite and tightening and toning muscles, all in a safe and sterile luxury body spa setting. Our extended membership plan allows patients to work out different parts of their body for fast-acting and long-lasting results.

Given current gym and fitness center restrictions, including their reduced capacity, mask requirements and limited hours, EmSculpt is rapidly becoming a popular go-to method of effective fitness and fat burning.

Benefits of EmSculpt Med Gym

EmSculpt produces rapid and remarkable changes and our med gym has been built around maximizing availability and these results for all of our patients. Some of the many benefits include:

  • A toned, firm and cut look to the abs and other targeted areas
  • Lifted buttocks and firmer butt muscles
  • Sculpted upper arms and taut, defined thighs
  • Simultaneous muscle building and fat burning
  • Fast-acting and long-term results
  • Environment and equipment are safe and sterile
  • Patient-tailored fat loss, fitness and toning programs.

For best results, EmSculpt typically requires 4 sessions over a two-week span, though most patients see results after their initial EmSculpt session, and with this EmSculpt Gym, we are offering special extended access to our facilities with long-term programs that make your fitness goals a year-round reality.

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Benefits of La Fontaine’s EmSculpt Med Gym include

  • Annual coverage
  • Treat multiple body part and areas
  • Patient-tailored enhancement and toning treatments
  • Significant cost savings

What is EmSculpt?

EmSculpt is an entirely noninvasive and nonsurgical, fully FDA-cleared treatment for the burning of stubborn fat and the building and toning of muscle mass. Treating a wide range of the body including the abs, thighs and calves, the biceps, triceps and more, EmSculpt burns, tones and sculpts using rapidly pulsing electromagnetic energy that produces thousands of muscle contractions which trigger your body to quickly build muscle and burn excess fat.

How does EmSculpt work?

EmSculpt uses high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to produce rapid muscle contractions that build muscle fiber. The rapid contractions require energy supplied by neighboring fat cells in a process called lipolysis, essentially destroying the fat cells around the muscle. These two simultaneous actions of building muscle while burning fat result in excellent toning of the targeted areas.

What can I expect from EmSculpt?

A 30-minute treatment session will yield the rough equivalent results of doing 20,000 crunches or squats. The HIFEM intensity will gradiently cycle through phases, the last of each day being a slow but powerful set of contractions that flush out lactic acid or toxins from the treatment itself. This, in part, is why EmSculpt also requires no downtime.

Though that may sound extreme, EmSculpt is in fact not painful. The sensation is unique and most patients actually laugh at the strange feeling as they quickly adjust to it. As you acclimate to its gradient degrees of forced contractions, your doctor will increase the intensity, checking to make sure you remain comfortable the whole time.

Is there a recovery time?

EmSculpt requires no recovery period. You may feel a bit sore in treated areas, as you would after an intense workout, but that soreness will subside in a couple of days.

Does EmSculpt have any side effects?

EmSculpt was FDA cleared years ago and has proven to be completely safe. No adverse after effects have been reported. In your initial consultation with our staff, please be sure to mention any concerns or conditions that you feel may cause a problem so that we can answer those for you personally.

Membership levels

La Fontaine offers exclusive membership levels that appeal to people of all ages and fitness levels. Please contact us for information, benefits and a personal program.

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